Interviews & Reportages


Nha Balila

Nosagenda was with Isidora Semedo Correia, better known as Nha Balila, in an incredible moment during which it was proven how special this woman is.

Born on December 12, 1929, she has an incredible and detailed memory of the Creole way of life, of her survival experience and of the cultural and social events that mark the history of Cape Verde...

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Publication Date: 15 dec 2020

Interview Nosagenda met Fradique en Antonio Mendes Ferreira van Calema na hun wervelende optreden in de Doelen op vrijdag 29 april jl.


Entrevista Nosagenda com Fradique e António Mendes Ferreira, dos 

Calema, após a sua fantástica atuação no De Doelen, na sexta-feira, 29 de Abril. 

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Publication date: 01 June 2022


Mayra Andrade

Mayra Andrade gave an impressive concert in the Rotterdam pop venue Annabel. During the visit to Rotterdam, Nosagenda Magazine spoke with this Cape Verdean singer about various topics. Obviously, her music career and the successful... read more

Publication Date: 31 jan 2020

Nosagenda interviewde Hermes over HEAR3VENTS en over Calema.

Op 29 april jl. vond in de Doelen het concert plaats van Calema. De 

organisatie was in handen van HEAR3VENTS en de Doelen. HEAR3VENTS is een initiatief van Hermes Delgado en Arnaldo Soares.


A Nosagenda entrevistou Hermes Delagdo sobre HEAR3VENTS e sobre os Calema. 

29 de abril foi o show dos Calema na Doelen. A organização esteve nas mãos de HEAR3VENTS e de Doelen. HEAR3VENTS é uma iniciativa de Hermes Delgado e Arnaldo Soares.

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– The Infinite Experience.

Publication date: 01 June 2022


Elga de Pina Fernandes

In June 2018, Elga de Pina Fernandes, born in Santiago, founded the Nosagenda platform. Until then, the Cape Verdean lacked a place where both Cape Verdeans and non-Cape Verdeans could celebrate and support the culture of its home country. Eighteen months, two magazines and more than 5,000 loyal followers further, Voja Travel Cape Verde looks back on the start of... read more (NL)

Publication Date: 7 may 2019


Patone Lobo 

founder Hotel Odjo d’Agua

At the start of October 2019, the Nosagenda Magazine team visited the island of Sal on Cape Verde. The purpose of this visit was to present Nosagenda Magazine to the local community, entrepreneurs and tourists. In the sunny Santa Maria we also had the opportunity to interview entrepreneur Patone Lobo about his... read more

Publication Date: 15 feb 2020